The Brilliant Lab

Is AI Coming for Our Jobs?

Debunking the Myths and Embracing the Opportunities

6 minutes
April 3, 2024

"AI won't replace you. People using AI will."

For the vast majority of people, AI spells doom and despair. Many AI applications are already at a stage where they can perform repetitive and predictable tasks with ease while also being able to tackle more complex tasks with a bit of human intervention.

So it makes sense that people aren’t accepting AI with open arms. It is going to replace jobs. Maybe your and our jobs too. But that’s only part of the story.

In this article, we will take a closer look at the impact of AI on the job market, how it compares to previous technological revolutions and the opportunities it offers.

in summary

  • We are currently in an unstable transitional period where companies are temporily letting go of employees to experiment with AI and adjust their workforce requirements accordingly.
  • Many forms of useful AI are already commercially availale to businesses.
  • AI is not going to replace people completely - it's simply not capable enough.
  • This is the inevitable next step in productivity and its going to change humankind, for the better.

Myths and Realities of AI in the Job Market

There is no doubt that we are witnessing the inflection point for artificial intelligence. The question is, what lies ahead: A major threat to employment or a catalyst for positive change and productivity?

These are uncharted waters. Computation of any kind, not just artificial intelligence is at its all-time peak and so it is important to remember that everything you read and hear including this discussion is speculation (some more so than others).

Since we don’t have any crystal balls lying around, we’re using historical events to put the future in some perspective and temper our expectations. That said, we are in the minority when we say, we are, for the most part, excited for the future and what AI has to offer. We’re going forward with a healthy dose of optimism and there are quite a few reasons why.

But not everyone shares that enthusiasm.

The fear of AI taking over jobs is not new. Every time a new technology emerges, similar claims are thrown around… and with good reason. Machines are built to improve efficiency and reduce the time it takes to do something. This often means that less human input is required. This is a kind way of saying, it makes certain jobs obsolete.

This is one extreme end of the spectrum. The side you see in many of the sensational articles and headlines. But they often ignore the other side of the argument – about the complexity of human labor and the limitations of AI.

AI is not adept at handling situations that require emotional intelligence, creativity, or problem-solving skills. This means that while AI may automate some jobs, it is more likely to augment and enhance human work.

The 21st Century Industrial Revolution (But Turned to 11)

Machines replacing humans, where have we heard that before?

Right, almost three centuries ago at the start of the Industrial Revolution. During the 18th century, there was a massive increase in automation and mechanization. The mechanization of agriculture, for example, led to a significant decrease in the number of farmers. However, this also led to a shift in labor from agriculture to manufacturing, which created new jobs and opportunities.

And then the invention of the steam engine led to an explosion of machines that could be used to manufacture goods. Instead of hand-crafting each product, we could build factories and increase production exponentially.

The displaced factory workers then started working in white-collar jobs starting a new era of the service industries.

There are so many parallels between the impending AI revolution and the Industrial Revolution of the 18th century. The biggest of which is that AI will not only automate jobs but also create new opportunities in emerging fields such as data analysis, machine learning, and automation engineering.

The adoption of AI may lead to the transformation of the workforce, but it does not necessarily mean the end of work.

We're Witnessing the Transitional Period

At this time of the AI revolution, we are at an interesting transitional period where AI is developed enough that mainstream companies can begin experimenting with it. Companies are letting go of their employees in numerous fields as they begin validating the use of commercially available AI platforms such as Chat GPT, Stable Diffusion/Midjourney, Microsoft Azure Cognitive Services, and more.

We expect this period to last anywhere between 3-5 years with companies jumping between AI and human employees as AI continues to develop. As the development for different streams of AI plateaus, we’ll start to see some stability in the workload trends.

Image generation AI will likely be one of the first to reach this stage (so good news for illustrators and artists!).In the meantime, workers need to realize that they will not be replaced by AI. They will be replaced by workers who learn to implement AI into their workflow.

With any significant technological shift, adaptation is crucial. Workers must learn these new skills and adapt to the changing job market to remain competitive.

It’s important to remember that AI lacks the creativity, emotional intelligence, and intuition that are required for many jobs. Workers can leverage this to their advantage by becoming the missing link and offering a more cohesive package to their clientele.

Types of AI Business Can Use Right Now

Machine learning really is one of the most cutting-edge fields in technology at the moment but the vast majority of these applications are (for now) limited to research and development. In other words, you cannot simply go out and use most of the AI services as a small-medium business.

That said, in the last 3 years, numerous applications have found their way into commercial use, meaning you and I can implement these technologies into our businesses within days, if not hours.

  • Language models, particularly large language models (LLMs), have become increasingly popular in recent years. LLMs are AI programs that use deep learning to analyze and generate human-like text. They can be used for a variety of purposes, from chatbots to content creation. Companies like OpenAI and Google have developed some of the most advanced LLMs currently available.
  • Another form of AI that has gained popularity is text-to-image AI. This AI application uses natural language processing to generate images based on text input. This technology has a variety of potential applications, from graphic design to creating personalized content for e-commerce sites.
  • Similar to text-to-image, text-to-video AI can generate videos based on text input. This technology is particularly useful in the advertising industry, where it can be used to create personalized video ads for specific target audiences. This AI application can also be used to generate educational or informative videos.
  • Deep learning and pattern analysis has also found its niche in medicine. AI-powered medical imaging analysis is being constantly studied and experimented with to deliver faster and more accurate diagnoses. In addition to this, we’re also seeing AI-assisted robotic surgeries for precise operations and predictive analytics for patient care getting more and more attention.
  • Finance was one of the first industries to adopt AI and many companies have now made AI part of their full-time tools. Some examples of use cases include fraud detection using AI algorithms to identify fraudulent transactions, customer service chatbots to assist customers with banking inquiries, and predictive analytics for financial forecasting.

What Lies Ahead: Job-Creating AI

The rise of AI is not the first technological shift to impact the workforce. The Industrial Revolution of the 18th and 19th centuries also brought about significant changes in the way goods were produced, resulting in a massive boost in overall worker productivity. While there were certainly challenges along the way, the Industrial Revolution ultimately led to new job opportunities and a higher standard of living for many people.

As artificial intelligence becomes more mainstream, it too will result in an incredible boost to productivity. There will be hurdles, especially for creatives like us but it’s going to happen. The best thing to do now is to adapt and make AI part of our workflows.

And most importantly, we need to change our outlook on the inclusion of AI. Instead of looking at it like it’s an evil, job-taking technology, we need to look at it for what it is, a neutral, productivity-enhancing piece of technology that will help us reach the next stage in human civilization.

It might take over the world but you know, comme ci, comme ça.